This holiday season, we know your teams are busy – HitPath is here to help optimize your holiday traffic with two new features! Now announcing Promoted Campaigns and our new Shopify pixel integration! Promoted Campaigns lets you put together a custom selection of your hottest ongoing and seasonal offers, letting your affiliates keep their fingers on the pulse of your network! Choose the look and feel of the Promoted Campaigns page, what info is shared (including EPC and Conversion Rate!) AND the option to include a pop up window with the info when the aff logs in so they can’t miss it. You’ll now be able to share info and match your best performing affs and offers like never before!
We know that now, more than ever, retailers are increasing their online sales presence and many of them are struggling as they adjust to new ways of doing things. To that note, we’ve improved our Shopify integration by creating a custom Shopify pixel! Now with just an easy copy and paste, you can start tracking automatically using the hitid, our ideal method of tracking. No more troubleshooting back and forth, struggling with code, or relying on cookie based tracking – just reach out to a Support Team member who can provide you with the instructions and code, and start making money sooner!
Promoted Offers –
Upon logging into the affiliate portal, affiliates can now view a network-wide popup with promoted campaigns!

Customizable settings will determine which campaigns are promoted, information shared about the campaigns, and how often affiliates will see the Promoted Campaigns popup upon login.
Affiliates have the ability to sort the promoted offers alphabetically, by EPC, conversion rate or payout, giving them insight on which campaigns to run. Affiliates will also have the option to preview the promoted campaigns if they are approved for the offer. After closing the popup, affiliates can still view promoted campaigns with a new menu addition, viewable through Campaigns, Promoted Campaigns.

On the admin side, promote a campaign by simply navigating to Tools, Site Content, and click on Promoted Campaigns. Within this section, the frequency in which affiliates see the popup on login can be selected as shown below:

Selecting ‘No Popup’ means just that – affiliates will see no popup for promoted offers upon login, however the affiliate can still view the promoted campaigns page through their menu (Campaigns, Promoted Campaigns).
The option to ‘Show Affiliate Once’ means that after the first time the affiliate sees the popup and closes it, they will not see the popup again, but can still navigate to the promoted campaigns page to view the promoted offers.
The last option ‘Show Popup Every _ Days’ provides an option for the affiliate to see the popup upon login every set number of days. The number of days for selection ranges from 1-30 days.
Make sure to click ‘Update’ to save the frequency settings!
Below the frequency settings, campaigns can be added to be promoted. Simply type in the name or id of the campaign you would like to promote, and click on the plus sign next to it to add it to the below promoted campaigns. Within this section you can sort the promoted campaigns by clicking on the column headers; Campaign ID, Type, Campaign Name, Description, Payout, Payin, and Unit of Measure (UM). To remove a campaign from the promoted list, simply click on the trashcan within the Remove column.

Additional customization of HitPath’s Promoted Offers feature is available through selecting a theme! Choosing a theme controls which information is shared about the promoted campaigns and the style in which the promoted campaigns are displayed. Navigate to this section by clicking on the Theme tab next to the Promoted Campaigns header at the top of the page.

Here, three unique themes can be applied; Minimal, Compact, or Comfortable. The Minimal theme is great for sharing concise, quick to read campaign information with affiliates. Choose the Compact theme to show enhanced campaign information with greater data sharing control. Or, select the Comfortable theme- perfect for those looking to have the features of Compact, but with a more stylized format. For the Compact and Comfortable themes, there is an additional option to show EPC, Conversion Rates, and Payouts to the affiliates. All themes can be previewed before rolling live to affiliates through the ‘Preview’ button at the bottom right of the screen. Once the desired theme is found, click ‘Update’ for the theme to be applied to the promoted campaigns!
Shopify Pixel Integration –
If you utilize Shopify, you will be delighted to find out about HitPath’s new Shopify Pixel Integration! Our team has worked hard to develop an easier way for you to hitid track using a custom Shopify Pixel! Simply set up your campaign links to pass hitid=jjhitjj in the redirect link and let us take care of the rest. The campaign pixel will need to be placed within the Shopify checkout additional script section. One line script will need to be placed in the liquid.theme file before the closing </HTML> tag. Reach out to the support team for the custom code to pass along to your advertiser. All your advertiser will need to do is a quick copy/paste within Shopify and you will be on your way to earning those Holiday $$$!
HitPath is here to help you with all your holiday tracking and attribution needs! Please reach out to the team if you have any questions about our new features.